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Project on upgrading existing digital platforms to create space for local communities in managing drivers of risk on land rights and climate change

Land Rights Research and Resources Institute (LARRRI/HAKIARDHI) is a Non-Governmental Organization established in 1994 under the NGO Act of 2002 with registration number 00NGO/R2/00012 of 2019.

HAKIARDHI was established to recognize the need to conduct research and advocacy for land rights for small-scale producers in the country to promote their understanding of advocating for land rights, including access, use, and land ownership. Also, the Institute shares with local community members mainly small-scale producers’ information on land rights and climate change to enable them to make informed and timely decisions about their production activities that solely depend on the land. 

On 22nd December 2022, HAKIARDHI signed a funding agreement with HORIZONT3000 for the project implementation known as “Upgrading existing digital platforms to create space for local communities in managing the drivers of risk on land rights and climate change”.

This two-year project commenced from 1st January 2023 to 30th November 2024 with a budget amounting to 45,332.92 Euros, equivalent to Tsh. 108,798,960/=.

Issued by the Management.